Purchase a Sun-Mar Composting Toilet from Onion Creek Farm

Composting is Nature's Way

Every living organism consumes nutrients and creates waste. To transform waste back to nutrients and complete this cycle, nature uses the processes of decompostition and evaporation. As is often the case, nature seems to be doing business in the best way possible.

That's why Sun-Mar toilets are designed not only to harness these natural processes, but to optimize and accelerate them. 

Toilet waste is over 90% water content. This can be evaporated and carried back to the atmosphere through the vent system. The small amount of remaining material is recycled into a useful fertilizing soil. 

Wherever there is a poorly working septic system, a Sun-Mar can take care of the toilet waste; where there is an outhouse we offer the luxury of an indoor facility; and where there is no toilet at all, a Sun-Mar provides the right environmental choice. Sun-Mar units are economical, quick to install and easy to use. 

Because no chemicals and no septic systems are used, fragile environments can be protected. A Sun-Mar composting unit is an environmentally healthy choice for recycling human waste. 

The Sun-Mar system produces no pollutants, while collecting nutrients. With a Sun-Mar, recycling is made easy! 

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Onion Creek Farm has used Sun-Mar composting toilets for over 20 years. Contact us to discuss your possible application and to get advice on which toilet model might work best for you. Call Joe at 515-292-0117 or email us at onioncreekfarm@gmail.com



That's why Sun-Mar toilets are designed not only to harness these natural processes, but to optimize and accelerate them. 

Toilet waste is over 90% water content. This can be evaporated and carried back to the atmosphere through the vent system. The small amount of remaining material is recycled into a useful fertilizing soil. 

Wherever there is a poorly working septic system, a Sun-Mar can take care of the toilet waste; where there is an outhouse we offer the luxury of an indoor facility; and where there is no toilet at all, a Sun-Mar provides the right environmental choice. Sun-Mar units are economical, quick to install and easy to use. 

Because no chemicals and no septic systems are used, fragile environments can be protected. A Sun-Mar composting unit is an environmentally healthy choice for recycling human waste. 

The Sun-Mar system produces no pollutants, while collecting nutrients. With a Sun-Mar, recycling is made easy!